Choosing the right forestry mulcher for your Kubota SVL75 can be a bit tricky. While this skid steer offers a solid balance of horsepower and weight capacity, its hydraulic flow poses a challenge when selecting the ideal mulcher.
Hydraulic Flow Considerations
The Kubota SVL75 comes with two hydraulic flow options:
- Standard Flow: 17.4 GPM
- High Flow: 29.3 GPM
Despite the availability of high flow, it’s on the lower end compared to other skid steers in its class. This limits the effectiveness of high-flow mulching heads, as they typically require higher hydraulic flow to perform at peak capacity. For this reason, a standard flow mulcher is the better choice, even for high-flow-equipped SVL75s.
Standard flow mulchers generally operate within a range of 15–34 GPM, making them a good match for the SVL75’s hydraulic capabilities. If you use a high-flow head, the underpowered hydraulic flow will prevent the mulcher from reaching its full potential, resulting in subpar performance.
Recommended Mulcher Options
Here are a few excellent standard-flow mulchers to pair with the Kubota SVL75:
- Loftness Battle Ax Lite: A lightweight, efficient option designed for standard-flow machines.
- Fecon RK5015 or RK6015: Durable and reliable, these models are built for smaller skid steers like the SVL75.
- FAE DML/SSL: Known for their versatility and performance, FAE mulchers are a great fit for the SVL75’s hydraulic specs.
Pro Tip
If your SVL75 is equipped with the high-flow option, you can still run a standard-flow mulcher without any issues. The high-flow setting won’t damage the mulcher, and it ensures your machine operates efficiently without overloading the hydraulic system.